Monday, February 26, 2007

Work rant!

OK so I really have to give it to the teachers that teach our kids! I am a client trainer and I train my companies clients on our products, and you know what really gets to me? when people come into my training session's and pay me absolutely no mind! its like "HELLO I am not here for my health! will you stop looking at your f***ing myspace page and pay attention to me!"

This type of inconsiderate person really gets to me... I stand for 2 hours in front of a group of people trying to teach them something they have to learn in order for them to do their freaking job and they don't pay me any attention! I put so much effort into the sessions and prepare for them to come in and play on the Internet! I have gotten so sick of that fact that I have started asking these people direct questions about what they are looking at and god forbid they fall asleep! I have gone and waken people up in my session before... Seriously! What do they think that I love standing up here teaching non-exciting stuff every day in and out? ITS MY JOB! i have to be here - they sign up for the session not me! GRRR

All I ask is for a little respect and a little nod of the head if I ask if there are questions or if they need me to go over anything else... instead I get blank stares or they are looking at me like I have 3 heads! I just don't get it. and the funny thing is that these people then call me 2 weeks later asking me questions, its not my fault that you didn't listen! Don't get me wrong it isn't like I go over the most interesting stuff - not at all! but come on - you were the one that decided to do take the job and you are the one that needs to learn how to do your job!

So that is why I am tipping my hat to the teachers of America! b/c if I have to deal with this crap with adults I can only imagine it with kids! I can see little johnny sitting at his desk picking his nose day in and day out and then he wonders why he fails the final exam! - its like get your finger out of your nose and pay a little attention! UGH!

OK I admit that rant was a little over the top but I just needed to get it out and now I can go and relax... - Jess

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